Press Releases for eBay

  • 1002

    Shopplay Awarded “Top Seller” Status by eBay

    Shopplay, the leading UK based online gaming console and beauty product retailer has achieved “top eBay” seller status. The store caters to worldwide customers with versatile & top-branded products.

    By : | 12-23-2013 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 1002

  • 1642

    Top eBay Seller Announces Sales on Branded Computer Games & Consoles

    Leading eBay seller has come up with excellent sales offer on branded computer games and consoles. The store also offers top labelled beauty products

    By : | 12-02-2013 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 1642

  • 527

    eBay Listings tool vs Advanced eBay Listings Tool, which is right for your business?

    eBay Store Design’s eBay listing tool is a great time saving program that allows you to automate the process of listing your products on eBay. Ebay’s own listings process is designed very much with the non-technical user in mind, and while this means that the process is clear and well explained, it lacks speed, wasting the time that is best used for responding to customer queries and processing orders. d

    By : | 09-14-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 527

  • 617

    Advanced Setting and eBay Marketplace for the Create Online Store at Ecommerce Techwave

    Ecommerce Techwave offers custom design features and eBay Integration with its 'create online store' feature and more added features in the advance setting option that can now be customized according to the changing user requirements.

    By : | 08-26-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 617

  • 483

    How to make your eBay Store Successful

    eBay is an extremely competitive market, with business sellers competing against private sellers, international sellers selling on home eBay domains and listings offered from international eBay domains

    By : | 08-18-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 483

  • 526

    Tips for international sellers on eBay

    eBay is one of the few marketplaces that allows, facilitates and positively encourages international trade. The eBay network not only allows you to sell your products through the local channel with delivery options to international buyers

    By : | 08-10-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 526

  • 684

    BigCommerce and eBay Integration Yield Big Results!

    The integration of eBay and BigCommerce has been the latest buzz in the ecommerce platform industry. Already #1 in the ecommerce platform, BigCommerce is certainly going to hit it big with this new leap. With yet another big step ahead, BigCommerce is awaiting the release of the latest version.

    By : | 07-28-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 684

  • 654

    Top Ten Tips on designing an eBay Store

    On eBay you have just one chance to make a better impression than your competitors. Here are ten top tips to get that message across as quickly as possible

    By : | 07-27-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 654

  • 599

    eBay shop designs for start ups.

    Ebay Store Design offer a service to design and create custom html for you to use on your eBay shop so that you can project the right brand to your customers and gain some credibility and recognition as a quality supplier.

    By : | 07-15-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 599

  • 908

    10% off eBay Store Designs only at the Autumn Fair

    Advansys are offering a discount of 10% on our eBay Store Designs exclusively to visitors to this year’s Autumn Fair. If you run your business through eBay, or you use eBay as an extra channel to your eCommerce website then you need a quality eBay store design to raise customer awareness, present a consistent brand image and project a quality impression or your business.

    By : | 07-10-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 908